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= In My Collection / = Not in My Collection / = In My Collection but Needs Replacing

Gold Token Super Mag comics were published by Young World Productions in the UK, mostly featuring Disney movies, but not all. There were two sets, the Giant Super Mags (I know of at least 4) and then the main Super Mag series (I know of at least 26 issues, though some sites say 32 but don't title any after 26).

Giant Super Mags

No 1 (Jun 1964)

Donald Duck and His Friends
No 2 (Sep 1964)

Donald Duck and Other Stories
No 3 (Nov 1964)

Donald Duck's Album
No 4 (1965)

Li'l Bad Wolf and Other Stories

Super Mags

The order of the first six of these which were actually un-numbered and un-dated is subject to change as I determine the correct order. It appears the composite hardback books issued in 1965 issued two titles together, always two subsequent numbers from the original comic releases and having acquired 20,000 leagues/White Stallions determines they were 3 and 4 as 'Sword in the Stone' does say inside it is the first SuperMag. No 7 onwards were all numbered.

No 1 (Jan 1964)

The Sword in the Stone
No 2 (Jan 1964)

No 3 (Feb 1964)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
No 4 (Feb 1964)

The Flight of the White Stallions
No 5 (Mar 1964)

Donald Duck: Test Hopper
No 6 (Mar 1964)

Uncle Scrooge
No 7 (Apr 1964)

Big Red
No 8 (Apr 1964)

The Parent Trap
No 9 (May 1964)

Treasure Island
No 10 (May 1964)

Mickey Mouse and the Giant Air Serpent
No 11 (Jun 1964)

The Terrible Ten
No 12 (Jun 1964)

Space Patrol
No 13 (Jul 1964)

Summer Magic
No 14 (Jul 1964)

Lady and the Tramp
No 15 (Aug 1964)

Champion the Wonder Horse
No 16 (Aug 1964)

Black Mask: Secret Revenge
No 17 (Sep 1964)

A Tiger Walks
No 18 (Sep 1964)

The Absent-Minded Professor
No 19 (Oct 1964)

Sindy Takes Over
No 20 (Oct 1964)

Dirk of the Legion
No 21 (Nov 1964)

No 22 (Nov 1964)

Dr Syn
No 23 (Dec 1964)

The Terrible Ten: Bush Rescue
No 24 (Dec 1964)

Space Patrol: The Secret Formula
No 25 (Jan 1965)

Mary Poppins
No 26 (Jan 1965)

The Moon-Spinners

Hardback Double-Feature Books


Comic Numbers 3 and 4
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea /
The Flight of the White Stallions

Comic Numbers 13 and 14
Summer Magic /
Lady and the Tramp

Comic Numbers 15 and 16
Champion the Wonder Horse /
Black Mask: The Secret Revenge

Comic Numbers 19 and 20
Sindy Takes Over /
Dirk of the Legion

Comic Numbers 23 and 24
The Terrible Ten in Bush Rescue /
Space Patrol: The Secret Formula

Comic Numbers 25 and 26
Mary Poppins /
The Moonspinners