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There have been two Flipper television series. The first was 'Flipper' which ran for three seasons from 1964 to 1967 following the 1963 (Flipper) and 1964 (Flipper's New Adventure) movies. To my knowledge, only three books were published by Whitman Books based on this series. The second series was 'Flipper : The New Adventures' which lasted four seasons from 1995 to 2000. I do not know of any books published based on this series. In 1996 a third Flipper movie was made and one junior novelisation of this was published by Sapling Books, an imprint of Boxtree Books, plus a couple of other books.
A number of books were also published with the 1960s series themed covers in Germany, of which I have three in my collection.

= In My Collection / = Not in My Collection

Whitman Books
From the Whitman 'Authorized TV Adventures' series


From the Whitman 'Big Little Books' series


Sapling (Boxtree) Books


Troll Communications Books


Neuer Tessloff Verlag Books (Germany)

No 1 (1967)
No 2 (1967)

Engelbert-Verlag Books (Germany)