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Hilda was an animated TV series that ran on Netflix for three seasons from 2018 to 2023 with a film titled 'Hilda and the Mountain King' between seasons 2 and 3 in 2021. Nine books were published by Flying Eye Books as novelisations of each of the three seasons (three books per season).

= In My Collection / = Not in My Collection

Flying Eye Books

No 1 (2019)

Hilda and the Hidden People
No 2 (2020)

Hilda and the Great Parade
No 3 (2020)

Hilda and the Nowhere Space
No 4 (2020)

Hilda and the Time Worm
No 5 (2020)

Hilda and the Ghost Ship
No 6 (2020)

Hilda and the White Woff
No 7 (2023)

Hilda and the Laughing Merman
No 8 (2023)

Hilda and the Faratok Tree
No 9 (2023)

Hilda and the Fairy Village


Hilda and the Mountain King