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Monk is an American comedy-detective television series that ran for eight seasons from 2002 to 2009. Nineteen novels were published by two publishers, Signet Mystery (Books 1 - 3) and Obsidian Mystery (Books 4 - 19). The first fifteen novels were written by Lee Goldberg and the remaining four by Hy Conrad.

= In My Collection / = Not in My Collection

Signet Mystery Books

No 1 (2006)

Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse
No 2 (2006)

Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii
No 3 (2007)

Mr. Monk and the Blue Flu

Obsidian Mystery Books

No 4 (2007)

Mr. Monk and the Two Assistants
No 5 (2007)

Mr. Monk in Outer Space
No 6 (2008)

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany
No 7 (2008)

Mr. Monk is Miserable
No 8 (2009)

Mr. Monk and the Dirty Cop
No 9 (2009)

Mr. Monk in Trouble
No 10 (2010)

Mr. Monk is Cleaned Out
No 11 (2011)

Mr. Monk on the Road
No 12 (2011)

Mr. Monk on the Couch
No 13 (2012)

Mr. Monk on Patrol
No 14 (2012)

Mr. Monk is a Mess
No 15 (2012)

Mr. Monk Gets Even
No 16 (2013)

Mr. Monk Helps Himself
No 17 (2014)

Mr. Monk Gets on Board
No 18 (2014)

Mr. Monk Is Open For Business
No 19 (2015)

Mr. Monk and The New Lieutenant