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The Moomins was a stop-motion animated children's television series based on Tove Jansson's Moomin series of books that was made for Polish, Austrian and German television and ran between 1977 and 1982. The series was later sold to other countries including the UK. The British version was adapted by Anne Wood at FilmFair for ITV Central Television and ran for two seasons of fifty episodes each from 1983 to 1985.. A number of books have been published over the years and this gallery is limited to my collection or those I know about that I want for my collection.

= In My Collection / = Not in My Collection


Kingfisher Books


The Island Adventure

The Hobgoblin's Hat

The King's Ruby

Thingumy and Bob



Moomins Annual 1985

Drawn & Quarterly Books
Comic Strips


The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip