Like a lot of Disney fans, I collected the Disney
films on VHS video for many years, and then of course the DVD revolution
began. I restarted my collection, replacing as many of the videos as
I could with DVDs until I had all of them and then continued on DVD
only. VHS videos were consigned to the dustbin of history, but I retained
cover scans of all the videos I had in my collection before I offered
them up for sale on eBay. The video collection was sold one by one except
for 'Song of the South' which I held back as it was the only film never
released on DVD because of 'political correctness', and therefore one
I couldn't replace.
I have created this gallery as a nostalgic view of the Disney video
era (and I may create a gallery of my DVD collection in due course)
- one thing is for sure, with the advent of Blu-Ray, I am most definitely
NOT re-starting my collection again - I am happy with DVDs and thank
goodness new films are still issued in this format.