Are you about to ask me a question?

Over the years that the site has been running, I have received many thousands of questions particularly in relation to annuals and comic strips. Some have been questions that I haven't been able to answer because the enquirer has such a vague memory of what they're looking for, provide too little (or even incorrect) information, and then expect me to search through hundreds of annuals and books to find it for them, a task that proves impossible! Some have been quite rude when I decline to spend the time on such a vague project! Astonishing!

However, in the vast majority of cases I have spent a lot of time trying to help answer enquiries and have often come up with the answer, going above and beyond the enquirer's expectations by providing scans and even links to where they can purchase the relevant item themselves.

The sheer number of questions I get and the amount of un-remunerated time I have spent on them means that I cannot answer everyone as I have many other things to do. I will always acknowledge whether or not I can help, but please understand this site is a hobby site and not a commercial one, so please don't be disappointed if I cannot help.

Please note that as long as you have provided enough information I will likely research it for you so long as it is not going to involve hours and hours of my time. If I do answer your enquiry and you are satisifed with the answer, your appreciation by way of a donation to my site's ongoing costs would be gratefully received. There is a PayPal link on my home page and below (please consider you paying the PayPal fees as otherwise I get less than you intended for me to have - many thanks).

Thank you for taking the time to read this - you can now contact me using the following link...

Email Me