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A fairly recent phenomenon is the production of annuals made by fans, usually to fill the 'gaps' left during the original annual releases, such as there being no Doctor Who annual for 1972. Generally dominated by Doctor Who but now expanding to other TV shows, the gallery below shows these in actual publication order.

= In My Collection / = Not in My Collection

©1966 (2014)

Dr Who Cushing "Fannual" (1)
Unofficial 1972 (2019)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1972
Unofficial 1972 (2023)

Dr Who Annual 1972 Contributor's Edition
Unofficial 1987 (2019)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1987
Unofficial 1987 (2019)

Dr Who Annual 1987 Contributor's Edition
1974 (2020)

U.N.I.T. "Fannual" 1974
Unofficial 1989 (2020)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1989
Unofficial 1989 (2020)

Dr Who Annual 1989 Contributor's Edition
Unofficial 2074 (2020)

Unofficial The Master Annual 2074
Unofficial 2074 (2020)

The Master Annual 2074 Contributor's Edition

The Dr Who Omnibus

The Dr Who Pertwee Annual (2)
1972 (2020)

U.F.O. Annual 1972
1982 (2021)

Blake's 7 Annual 1982
1982 (2021)

Blake's 7 Annual 1982 Contributor's Edition
1965 (2021)

Dr Who Annual 1965

The Secret Service Annual
1987 (2022)

Robin of Sherwood Annual 1987
©1975 (2022)

Zygon Outer-Space Diaries Annual

Robin of Sherwood : The Complete Look-In Comics
Unofficial 1988 (2022)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1988
Unofficial 1988 (2022)

Dr Who Annual 1988 Contributor's Edition
©1975 (2022)

Zygon Outer-Space Diaries Annual (Paperback)
2023 (2022)

FAB Annual 2023

Unofficial Blake's 7 Annual 2023

Blake's 7 Annual 2023 Contributor's Edition
Unofficial 1997 (2023)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1997
Unofficial 1997 (2023)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1997 (Kris Edition)
Unofficial 1997 (2023)

Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1997 (Carolyn Edition)

The Tomorrow People: The Complete Look-In Comics Vol 1
2024 (©2023)

Who Else? Annual 2024
2024 (2023)

FAB Annual 2024

The Lost Doctor Annual

The Tomorrow People: The Complete Look-In Comics Vol 2

The Second Dr Who Omnibus Monsters From Outer Space

Dr Who Omnibus Monsters From Outer Space New Content

(1) The Dr Who Cushing "Fannual" came in several colours and also in hardback and paperback (see Doctor Who Annuals Gallery)

(2) The Dr Who Pertwee Annual published in 2020 by unknown was a compendium of content from each of the official Jon Pertwee annuals